Our Deals

We’re proud of our track record of successful deals! And in addition, their specifics can be a great source of information when you’re considering a new project. Read on to learn all the ins and outs:

Isowood GmbH acquired from Constantia Industries

MP Corporate Finance acted as the exclusive financial advisor to the later CEO of Isowood in the acquisition of the company and in structuring the acquisition financing via a syndicate with Invest AG and senior lenders.

Isowood GmbH is a leading manufacturer of wood plastic compounds (WPC). Tailored WPC made from natural fibres are combined with plastics and, depending on project requirements, linked with non-woven fabrics. The company delivers to well-known German automobile producers and system suppliers.

Invest AG with offices in Linz has, since 1994, enabled the owners and managers of medium-sized and smaller companies in Austria and Bavaria to implement expansion strategies (internal or through acquisition) and buyouts (MBO, MBI). Invest AG has holdings in companies and supports the further development of the company over three to eight years using equity capital financings.

Logo's of The later CEO acquired Isowood from Constantia, financed by Invest AG

The later CEO acquired Isowood from Constantia, financed by Invest AG

MP hat mit seinen sehr erfahrenen und dynamischen Mitarbeitern einen strukturierten und sehr gut vorbereiteten Verkaufsprozess eingeleitet und in weiterer Folge die Transaktion professionell begleitet. Die Zusammenarbeit war hervorragend und hat wesentlich zum Erfolg dieses Projekts beigetragen.

Nikolaus Ernest, Managing Director at Isowood GmbH, Germany

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  • Market leader in industrial M&A
  • 700+ industrial M&A projects
  • 75+ professionals form the largest industrial M&A team
  • Adding credibility to your deal
  • Maximising your value with our challenger mindset